Monday, September 8

30 Years From Now,It Won't Even Matter...

Okay soooo....I just got home from open house at my school and this poster my advanced English teacher has in her room says like....30 years from now it won't matter what clothes you wore and all this stuff and I started thinking and that is TOTALLY true!Yeah,we all wanted to conform and fit in during at least part of our lives.I have...but not anymore.Because I've realized,so what?You can wear what you want.You can listen to the tunes you want or hang with whoever because 10,20 and 30 years from now,IT WON'T MATTER.What you wear doesn't define if you're going to make it in life or what job you're going to do.Granted,your intrests do play a part,but conforming doesn't matter!Do you actually think Bill Gates was the most popular thing in school?Probably not(heck idk for sure),but look at him now!He made getting on the computer possible!Look at all the succesful musical artists and designers and writer,does anyone think ALL of them were the most popular person in the whole school?Probably not all of them!No one needs to conform,and no one would probably want to conform if we didn't judge.Now I admit,we're only human and everyone has judged someone,whether it has been out loud or just in your head,but its wrong.It is a sin(One of the commmandments,leave God to do the judging)but it also hurts people a lot and a lot of people change their persona just because they've been labeled something they don't like.I've been called gothic,emo, name it,and I used to care.But not anymore.Being labeled does not jeoprodize the fact that I want and if I try hard enough,can be a successful fashion designer once I finish art school.Nothing should be made that way.I have seen so many people that are lonely and have been made fun of change just because they want to fit it,and I know its not who they really are.Some people would call them "posers" but they shouldn't be called anything.People nowadays need to learn that looks ARE NOT EVERYTHING!They are hardly anything.Its whats on the inside of a person that matters the most,and nothing more.
30 Years From Now,It Won't Even Matter....

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