Saturday, October 18

I Will Sleep Alone, 'Cuz It's Better Than You(Tickle Me Pink - Typical)

Omg I'm tired.
Buuuttt I thought of some things to say so lets say 'em!

What is the deal with people now a days?
They see someone and think 'omg they're a freak' or something similar by the way that they dress.I see people do that A LOT and it gets on my last nerve to tell you the truth. Why can't people see that we're all human and we're all unique and that not everyone sucks monkey butt if you just get to know them?I know for a fact, not from scientific facts but by experience that even if a person grates your nerves down to a powder, there is always ONE thing that you two share in common and like about each other. Trust me, there are SO many people that kill my nerves but there's always the one thing that keeps me hanging with them.
I have this icon that like names all these different labels and then it says in bold over them DON'T LABEL ME.Or something like that but anyways. Labels grate on my last nerve.That's one thing I don't have anything in common with.Lmao.But last school year some kid called me an emo b**ch for no good reason and he thought it was funny.I wanted to mash his head into like...mashed head(ya know instead of mashed potatoes).Lol.And then this other dude I know called me a whore.Grrr.He acted like he was kidding but it really p-ed me off.Wouldn't it you?
Also like...okay I have like really bad acne and it takes like a week for a breakout to go away then like a new one comes but anyways!It is making my confidence go SO FAR DOWN.Because I don't know why but the best stuff I've EVER used on my acne is like not working now and it's getting so bad and all I wanna do it rip my skin off.Ew...nevermind that'd be gross, but yall know what I mean.Then like...I see all these people that complain about having acne when I've never seen more than 1 pimple on their perfect face. That's another thing that 'grinds my gears'(Haha,Peter Griffin quote).People that are almost flawless that complain about their looks.The skinny girls that say they're fat...the perfect skin girls that complain about skin issues...the TAN girls that say they're PALE.You wanna see pale?Compare your skin against mine, I'm almost albino pretty much.
Then I think its kinda funny when something bad happens to them like they do breakout or they do gain a little extra weight or they do get really pale. I don't mean to be mean but they really asked for it.If you're gonna complain when there's nothing wrong with you, you deserve to have that thing wrong with you.If that made any sense at all.
Wellll I think that's all for now.
Love yall!

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