Tuesday, October 14

Its funny how we seethings so clear when we have no time left to live(Underoath - Everyone Looks So Good From Here)

So, yall know how I want to be a fashion designer and stuff?Well I've been watching Project Runway like CRAZY and I've noticed that these models are SKINNY AS EVER.Then I was watching America's Next Top Model and like Whitney was surprised that she'd made it so far since she was plus sized and I was thinking that you know its really sad that people are SURPRISED that a "plus size" made it. She is not plus size to me. She's probably about my size man!I'm not even kidding, I'm not much smaller than her.
So, I decided, since if I do get to become a designer, I'm going to need models to show off my clothing, and I will refuse to use super skinny models. I want models with flaws. On Janice Dickinson's Modeling Agency someone said they needed models with acne and she complained!NO ONE IS PERFECT.
It amazes me what modeling agencies demand for. And especially since I am a NORMAL sized girl and I have acne and many other flaws, it bothers me. If I get to work with models, I may use some skinny models, but not the ones so skinny that you can see their ribs and count them. I want a girl with curves. Because all these models that are skinny enough that you can count their ribs have no curves and nothing can be form fitting on them. There's no use in making your clothes curvy to show off the body, you might as well make your dresses and such a box because that is what its going to look like except for their boney shoulders and hips. Now I'm not really bashing against you models that are that skinny, I think all of you are very beautiful, but its just amazing that no one will use normal, healthy people that may have acne or a skin problem. All these little girls look up to models and seeing someone skinny as a rail would not be the person I would want my daughter wanting to be like at all.
I'm so happy that Whitney did win ANTM last cycle,its about time that someone that looks GREAT win the show.I mean the girls that have won are beautiful but they're all skinny as can be. Whitney's actually got some curves about her.Lol.
Well I think that's all for today.
Love yall!!

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