Wednesday, August 20


Holy crap my week has been crazy....and its only wednesday!!!
My dad reformatted my computer and lost everything but somehow got it back BUT alot of the crap is corrupted and all my iTunes stuff has to be redone because he didn't believe me that I'd have to delete everything. And like...I've had 3 subjects of homework everynight and I'm going to church tonight and I have to clean my room and study and clean the kitchen and resort my files on here and finish putting EVERYTHING(I had over 1000 songs and vids)back on my iPod and AHHHHH.I'm like SO stressed its not even funny.And I'm stuck getting the crap and research for a school project.*pulls hair*I'm gonna die man.There's just not enough time to do it all!I have an oral exam in French tomorrow and I'm trying so hard to study but I can't take my mind off anything to study.And I need to work on some stuff that's due Friday and Algebra's already done so that's a blessing.I don't wanna skip church tonight but idk what to do.Oh,btw,I'm sorry if I don't post for a while...with all this crap I have no idea if I'll get time. Oh iTunes won't lemme put my vids back on because they wanna tell me about ratings.I KNOW THEM!!!Geebus man....I'm really ticked.Now its syncing by itself*throws it against the wall*Stupid thing.I really need a hug.Lolz.I'm like looking at the audiobooks for Twilight on iTunes while my iPod is screwing up.Yes,I'm a Twilight obsessor.If the movie comes out at midnight,I'm going,I don't care what anyone says,I'm going.I'm obsessing over Breaking Dawn at the moment.Bella and Edward...wait I'm not gonna say it since some of yall may have not read it yet.XP
That stupid iPod is STILL SYNCING!It started like 10 minutes ago!*deep breath*Calm down.....
Okay,I'ma go...
Love you guys(HELP ME!!!!)

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