Saturday, August 16


Do any of yall have someone you resent?I know I PARENTS.Sure I'm not beat or anything but they are SO strict.My dad tracks every little omve I make on the computer and now after I'm on for an hour it logs me out.And I can't do anything without a friend or anything.I'm 14 for crying out loud,its not like I'm 5.It's weird 'cuz every year I age,the stricter they get.I guess they're scared I'm gonna do drugs or go do someone.Well newsflash,I'm not.That's why I resent my folks.I love them but...I can't hardly take it.I was talking to my buds Josh and Timmy today and the ONLY reason they hate my dad is because of how strict he is.and right before Tim left he told me that he needs to respect me more.I TOTALLY AGREE!!!But according to them 'I don't deserve respect'because I'm the child,not the adult.That's the biggest load of BS I've ever heard!Josh also told me that because I'm 14 I can move out,legally and live with someone else.I wanted to so bad but...while I was in the car on the way to my dad asked if I wanted to go to the "farm"(there's no animals,its just TONS of land) tomorrow to shoot my gun...and when I said no...he looked a lil upset.That made me realize that he's only doing all of this to keep me safe because he loves me.It really upset me too because I hate upsetting him because honestly I'm a daddy's girl.So,I decided I'ma live with it a bit longer and take the strictness because I'm not ready to leave him,or my mom or my baby sister.I couldn't leave my sis anyways...she's too special to me.The point here is,if anyone has someone they resent,rethink things.They may love you more than you think and they're only being a certain way to you because they love you.
Love you guys!

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