Saturday, October 25

I'll never let them hurt you, I promise (My Chemical Romance - Vampires Will Never Hurt You)

I got vampire fangs!!!!
I'm so happy, I loves them.
I feel so pretty with them in. I can't wait to wear them to school. Haha when I take them out I feel incomplete without them. XP

I think vampires are the shiz.If I could be one, I would in like 0.1 seconds. I'm gonna be like...Alice Cullen for halloween.The only bad thing is my hair is short and BLONDE.So...ya.Last time I tried to like spray it that black it got all OVER my face and hands and stuff so yeah. On trick or treat(which isn't on Halloween night...oh well, more time to celebrate Frank Iero's bday)I'm gonna invite my bestie over and like...idk.Pass out candy and drink "blood" lmao.
I'm like really hungry.My fave food is Chinese and I like barely get it and we ate Chinese earlier and I barely ate anything and idk why. Now I want more.Mmmm sweet and sour chicken and wontons...YUMMO!My tummy is like growling now lol.
Omg my friends Lindsey and Maya came over and then me and Lindz started texting each other and we were like two feet from each other then they got in a 'fight', it was great. Then we watched the crazy movies me and Lindsey made April or something I don't really remember. They were to "In The End" by Linkin Park, "Brompton Cocktail" by Avenged Sevenfold, "Duality" by Slipknot and part of "Blue" by Eiffle 65...we only did part because we went to jump and my ceiling(where I used to live)slants and I hit my head and like...fell.Then like in Brompton Cocktail I got out my acoustic guitar and tried to act like Synyster Gates...yeah didn't work. XP
Well I just wanted to post cuz I hadn't in...forever and yeah.
Love yall!

Saturday, October 18

I Will Sleep Alone, 'Cuz It's Better Than You(Tickle Me Pink - Typical)

Omg I'm tired.
Buuuttt I thought of some things to say so lets say 'em!

What is the deal with people now a days?
They see someone and think 'omg they're a freak' or something similar by the way that they dress.I see people do that A LOT and it gets on my last nerve to tell you the truth. Why can't people see that we're all human and we're all unique and that not everyone sucks monkey butt if you just get to know them?I know for a fact, not from scientific facts but by experience that even if a person grates your nerves down to a powder, there is always ONE thing that you two share in common and like about each other. Trust me, there are SO many people that kill my nerves but there's always the one thing that keeps me hanging with them.
I have this icon that like names all these different labels and then it says in bold over them DON'T LABEL ME.Or something like that but anyways. Labels grate on my last nerve.That's one thing I don't have anything in common with.Lmao.But last school year some kid called me an emo b**ch for no good reason and he thought it was funny.I wanted to mash his head into like...mashed head(ya know instead of mashed potatoes).Lol.And then this other dude I know called me a whore.Grrr.He acted like he was kidding but it really p-ed me off.Wouldn't it you?
Also like...okay I have like really bad acne and it takes like a week for a breakout to go away then like a new one comes but anyways!It is making my confidence go SO FAR DOWN.Because I don't know why but the best stuff I've EVER used on my acne is like not working now and it's getting so bad and all I wanna do it rip my skin off.Ew...nevermind that'd be gross, but yall know what I mean.Then like...I see all these people that complain about having acne when I've never seen more than 1 pimple on their perfect face. That's another thing that 'grinds my gears'(Haha,Peter Griffin quote).People that are almost flawless that complain about their looks.The skinny girls that say they're fat...the perfect skin girls that complain about skin issues...the TAN girls that say they're PALE.You wanna see pale?Compare your skin against mine, I'm almost albino pretty much.
Then I think its kinda funny when something bad happens to them like they do breakout or they do gain a little extra weight or they do get really pale. I don't mean to be mean but they really asked for it.If you're gonna complain when there's nothing wrong with you, you deserve to have that thing wrong with you.If that made any sense at all.
Wellll I think that's all for now.
Love yall!

Thursday, October 16

Oh,God My Hands Are Shaking Again!(Underoath - Breathing In A New Mentality)

I made this awesome website(well,with the help of kewl.There's still some work to be done so if you go on there and there's things not finished,that's why.Lolz.

Please visit!Please!!!
It hassss my designs(well some of them),some of my favorite lyrics,lyrics to different bands songs(that's one part that's unfinished).And who knows what else I'll come up with.It also has summaries for my blog, and a thread you can post on about my stuff!

You all don't know how much it would mean to me if you visited and signed up.
Love yall!

Tuesday, October 14

Its funny how we seethings so clear when we have no time left to live(Underoath - Everyone Looks So Good From Here)

So, yall know how I want to be a fashion designer and stuff?Well I've been watching Project Runway like CRAZY and I've noticed that these models are SKINNY AS EVER.Then I was watching America's Next Top Model and like Whitney was surprised that she'd made it so far since she was plus sized and I was thinking that you know its really sad that people are SURPRISED that a "plus size" made it. She is not plus size to me. She's probably about my size man!I'm not even kidding, I'm not much smaller than her.
So, I decided, since if I do get to become a designer, I'm going to need models to show off my clothing, and I will refuse to use super skinny models. I want models with flaws. On Janice Dickinson's Modeling Agency someone said they needed models with acne and she complained!NO ONE IS PERFECT.
It amazes me what modeling agencies demand for. And especially since I am a NORMAL sized girl and I have acne and many other flaws, it bothers me. If I get to work with models, I may use some skinny models, but not the ones so skinny that you can see their ribs and count them. I want a girl with curves. Because all these models that are skinny enough that you can count their ribs have no curves and nothing can be form fitting on them. There's no use in making your clothes curvy to show off the body, you might as well make your dresses and such a box because that is what its going to look like except for their boney shoulders and hips. Now I'm not really bashing against you models that are that skinny, I think all of you are very beautiful, but its just amazing that no one will use normal, healthy people that may have acne or a skin problem. All these little girls look up to models and seeing someone skinny as a rail would not be the person I would want my daughter wanting to be like at all.
I'm so happy that Whitney did win ANTM last cycle,its about time that someone that looks GREAT win the show.I mean the girls that have won are beautiful but they're all skinny as can be. Whitney's actually got some curves about her.Lol.
Well I think that's all for today.
Love yall!!

Friday, October 10

I'm so addicted to,all the things you do(Saving Abel - Addicted)

Another bad day.
School,again,was insane.
Not as insane as yesterday but at the end of the day,I was ready to cry.BIG TIME.And I know I'm prolly over-reacting but...ya.
I wish I could but why but...ya its confidential.
We swam in gym and when I jumped off the diving board,I didn't really go that fast and I started thinking...why can't I just stay down here forever?The water is so peaceful, and in that short amount of time that I was under the ten feet of water,I got to clear my head and relax.Of course when I surfaced it all came back to me.
OMG!One happy thing is that my fave shorts that I grew outta over the summer...THEY FIT AGAIN!!!YAYY!!!I wore them to school today and I felt great in 'em.They're like blue jean cargos.I would just get another pair in a bigger size but Kolhs was being stupid and don't sell them anymore.
At school they did random drug testings. Like over 6 or 7 people got suspended.It was crazy.
Well guess what?I'm listening to Running From Lions by ATL again.It's friggin' addicting.

Well I guess I'll go.
Love yall.

Thursday, October 9

Stories yet to unfold, tales that must be retold(All Time Low - Running From Lions)

Omg I've had a bad day.
School was INSANE,I hung out with the biggest jerks ever and they kept insulting me and the guy I like and just expected me to take it like it was nothing, my mom has been on me all night and I SWEAR I wanna just walk out...and I just alltogether feel like complete SHIZ!
I wanna cry SO badly but it won't come out and I feel it coming!Idk maybe its 'cuz I cried on the bus and I NEVER cry in front of people from school...EVER.
Right now I'm listening to Running From Lions by All Time Low and its very addicting.I've heard it God knows how many times before but these last couple days,its kinda been my theme song.
I want my phone back.My mom took it and I REALLY want it back...I wanna talk to my friends...
Well...I dunno.
I guess I'll get off here.
Love yall.

Tuesday, October 7

Come,break me down,bury me,bury me(30 Seconds To Mars)

Homecoming Saturday.
Lol. So I got there and immediatly saw my bud Ashley and stuff and we hung then others got there and I was trying SO hard not to dance but when Shake It by Metro Station came on me and a couple of my friends joined the HUGE circle and jumped and sang. Then from there I couldn't stop dancing.It was crazy.I was gonna go to an afterparty but I was so tired I was like screw this crap and went to bed!Lol.Ya I know,I was a party pooper.
So we have this assignment in english where we have to read a book over 250 pages and stuff so I picked The Host by Stephanie Meyer.I'm in love with her works and OH!I took this quiz to see that movie I am(and even though the movie hasn't come out yet)I got Twilight!!!!YAYY!!!I'm going the night it comes mom even agreed to take me because she loves the series too.I'm hoping they'll do movies for all the books,'specially Breaking Dawn.I think that one's amazing.The only suckish thing is EVERYONE is getting Twilight shirts and stuff from Hot Topic and I can't get any and I'm mad!Because I'm probably one of the hugest fans out there,I mean if I could have it all,I'd get it all,but normally unless we're school shopping I have to buy my stuff and I'm flat broke!My bday was in friggin' July and for Christmas I'm getting an iPod Touch so...ya.Idk.Ima find a way to get EVERYTHING.Lol.
My nails look back...I bite them and..ya.I need to quit.BADLY.
So 8 Mile is on VH1 and that is one of my all time favorite movies but I can't watch it 'cuz my lil sis is down here. I love Eminem.He is prolly the only rapper I will listen to A LOT.Sure there's a few rap songs here and there from other artists but ALL of his stuff is amazing.My fave is Cleaning Out My Closet.Weirdly my ex introduced that one to me I think.Maybe.Idk.....
AH!On The Daily Show they're talking about the Vice Presidental Debate and man...Sarah Palin is just a mess.She walked around almost all of those questions and she...gawd if McCain gets in office and he dies and she becomes pres I'm MOVING FROM THE U.S!I'm going to France a few years early.Lol. OBAMA/BIDEN '08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you guys!

Saturday, October 4


WHOOOO!!!!We STOMPED our rivals last night man!!!35 to nothing!I didn't really watch much of the game(I was hangin' out with my besties)but was great.We may've lost the food feud but we won at football!It was REALLY cold though..I fingers 'bout fell off at Quarter After(this really fun thing that goes on after the game)
So tonights homecoming and I still have to get a cover up for my dress and my flats. I think what I'm gonna do is straighten my hair,take my wax and give it that kinda messy look then pin my bangs back.Idk.I'm just gonna have to see how it looks.
Haha,my sister is watching Mighty B and she is like not even a foot from the television WITH her glasses on.Lolz.
Ohhh my legs are smooth.Haha.Gossshhh I'm not even hyper but I'm happy.I can't wait to hang with all my friends tonight.It sucks thought 'cuz 2 of my all time best friends aren't gonna be there...but I have others and I got to hang with the other 2 last night so....idk.
I'm typing really friggin' fast today.Wowwww....I wanna find out how many WPM I can type.
Let's get it started in ha...let's get it started in here....
They play that at every football game and idk why.Lolz.
Well just wanted to say 'bout the game and homecoming tonight so I'll update when I get home and spill about the dance.
Love you guys!

Thursday, October 2

So you pray to God,to justify the way you live a lie(Kevin Rudolf)

But its all good because tomorrow is the Homecoming football game against our rivals!!!Heck yes!Then saturday is homecoming!Yayyy!I'm so excited!
But I'm tired.I wanna go to school.I need to hang with peoples before I kill over from the boredness.My mom won't lemme go on a I can see why since its dark but then it was like early sunset.
So I'm checkin' out some Bob Marley stuff and I gotta say,its pretty good.I'm listening to Buffalo Soldier as I type this.I'm also waiting for Futurama to come on.Lolz.
Omg you know what is the awesomest music lyric eva?!
Now the son's discrased,he, who knew his father,when he cursed his name, turned, and chased the dollar, but it broke his heart so he stuck his middle finger to the world to the world to the world!!!!- Kevin Rudolf and Lil' Wayne
I'm in love with Let It Rock.That and Some Will Seek Forgiveness,Others Escape by Underoath.
Haha,I just signed up on this website and my username is AsCoolAsYou...pretty much every other one was taken so I thought what the heck why not.Hehe.
Well just wanted another post and its random but idc.
Love yall!