Sunday, January 25

"Keep me safe inside. Your arms like towers, tower over me." (Paramore - We Are Broken)

Been a while since I've posted buuuuttt

OMG BARAK OBAMA IS OUR PRESIDENT!!!! YAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's gunna do great things for the country, I just know it. But it may take a while since we're not doing all that good, but at least he can do it. I hope he gets some troops out soon. I want my Uncle Mike home. But he will be home next month some time. Just not sure of an actual date so YAY AGAIN!

We have a snow day tomorrow! Already! We already have like an inch of snow on the ground. I ran out in the snow, in only my Green Day t-shirt, a light jacket, jeans, and some really thin slip ons. But me and my cuz had to chase a neighbors dog for like a mile, then we gave up. But I did try to skate and I leaned too far back and tumbled off my board and bruised my thigh and cut up my hand. Not fun. Then I tried to run up the halfpipe. Again. Not fun.

Since we have a snow day, I asked my dad of ,my boyfriend could come over but he said no. It sucks, but he invited me over to his, so maybe. I dunno if my dad will let me. I've gotta watch my sister too so...I dunno. I want to see him so bad. Lol. I'm talking to him now though.We went to see Paul Blart Mall Cop last night. Oh my gosh that movie is hysterical.

Well this was another random post. I'll try to post a... meaningful one soon.
Love you guys!

1 comment:

kIaNa said...

You CAN'T be serious.
Do you realize that he just got us in debt almost 800 BILLION DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who's gonna have to pay for that?!?!?!?! Certinly not our "amazing, wonderful, saviour"
president. US!!!!!
Our generation!!!!!!!!
All this so-called "economic stimulus plan"
is gonna do is make it nice and comfortable while he's president and then make it look like the next president is awful because he/she has to raise OUR taxes to pay for it!!!
I think you had better do a little research on him.